
Healthy things grow,

growing things change.

- Salem Plumbline -

EQUIP Ministry

All EQUIP classes are free and can be joined at any time

  • Foundations: How To Study the Bible

    At Salem, we believe that God has chosen to reveal Himself through His Word. Therefore, proper Bible study methods are vital in our right understanding of Him and are growth into Christ-likeness. To start this EQUIP class, click here.

  • FOUNDATIONS: The Spiritual Disciplines

    The spiritual disciplines are essential practices that enable individuals to grow in their faith and relationship with God. They include activities such as prayer, Bible study, fasting, meditation, and worship. To start this EQUIP class, click here.

  • FOUNDATIONS: Bible Doctrines

    Bible Doctrines covers the major biblical views held at Salem Baptist Church. To start this EQUIP class, click here.

  • Theology: Theology Proper

    God has revealed a wealth of knowledge regarding Himself in His word. in this first class in our Theology track, Pastor Rick Clinard discusses who God is as revealed in the Bible. To start this EQUIP class, click here.

  • THEOLOGY: Bibliology

    The foundation for knowing God correctly is knowing His word. The Bible is God's primary way of revealing Himself to His people. In this EQUIP class, Pastor Rick Clinard discusses what the Bible says about itself and how we can know God better through it. To start this EQUIP class, click here.

  • Theology: Anthropology

    The only way to understand ourselves and others is to understand how God made us to be and what went wrong. In this EQUIP class, Pastor Rick Clinard describes the creation of mankind, its fall from original goodness, and how we God has planned for our restoration. To start this EQUIP class, click here. 

  • THEOLOGY: Christology

    In this class, Pastor Rick discusses the nature and excellencies of our Savior, Jesus Christ. To start this EQUIP class, click here. 

  • THEOLOGY: Pneumatology

    Pneumatology is an often overlooked subject in the Christian faith. In this class, Pastor Rick explores the biblical teaching about the second Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. To start this EQUIP class, click here. 

  • THEOLOGY: Ecclesiology

    At Salem, we believe that the church is God's "Plan A" in reaching the world for Jesus Christ. In this class, Pastor Rick discusses the Bible's teaching regarding the church, both global and local. To start this EQUIP class, click here. 

  • THEOLOGY: Eschatology

    In this final class in the Theology Track, Pastor Rick discusses the blessed hope for all Christians throughout history, the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the events surrounding His glorious appearing. To start this EQUIP class, click here. 

  • Christ & Culture: Biblical Manhood & WomanHood

    In this first class in our Christ & Culture track, Pastor Rick Clinard and Dr. Beth Ashburn discuss the biblical teachings regarding the image of God, human sexuality, and gender roles. To start this EQUIP class, click here. 

  • Christ & Culture: Church & State

    In this class, Pastor Kivett discuses the relationship between the individual believer, the local church, and the established government. To start this EQUIP class, click here.